Tuesday, January 09, 2007

If you want something done right, do it yourself...

I'm not be-atching, I'm just venting. Chris said HE would do the Christmas cards this year since he got out of school a week before I did. So, I reminded him, and he did the newsletter, folded it, and stuffed the picture into it. There it ended. TODAY I am finishing the envelopes and cards. WHY say you are going to do something if you AREN'T??? So, your cards will be in the mail tomorrow. Better late than never, I suppose. UGG!!

This morning on the way to school Mikey was talking about how deep the snow is in CO, since we just got our first real flurries today. He said it was "over Cowin's head". (Colin is our darling Godson who is still out there...) He asked how "Cowin would see?" I said I don't know... and just kept driving to school. He got kind of quiet and said "I guess he'd need some ba-knock-ee-urs".... He thinks binoculars solve everything.

Oh, and he still calls Molly "Mah-we". If he is in a hurry, she is just "Mah." So, sometimes he said "Mah, wook!" That is if she needs to look at something. He goes to speech therapy weekly, and I'll be glad when he is done, but I'll forever call her "Mah-we" to Chris.

Oh, random picture... let me find one...

This is how much coconut chip ice cream is left AFTER I've eaten my fill....
Coconut chip ice cream is like eating a Mounds bar ice cream. Yummy!

The coffee stirrers? The kids call them "poke poke pokes". Don't ask me why, I don't know, but they are a favorite toy when we find them by coffee dispensers. I have screwy kids.

7 people tasted this cookie:

Amy said...

Yum--that ice cream looks soooo good. I am just drooling over it here. . . can you ship some out our way?!

erin said...

They may be screwy but they're SO fun to hear about. I just can't get enough of Mikey and Ma-wee stories!

A.K. said...

making me hungry with that ice cream- i'm gonna have to go try it!

Anonymous said...

Tell Mikey not to worry. "Cowin" is fearless and would just climb to the top of the snow to see. Poor Karina though, she would just stand there shaking in her snow boots begging someone to carry her.

Anonymous said...

FOR SALE: One wife, doesn't clean, doesn't cook, be-atches all the time, spends like there's no tomorrow, constantly cackling on phone or typing furiously on laptop, leaves gas on "E" in cars, too weak to take out garbage, pilfers wallets, cannot positively identify broom, dustpan, or mop, has un-humanlike cold feet, thinks she's good at Jeopardy but she's not, once placed cat terd in husband's shoe to express anger at said husband. Will take best offer or trade for...nothing in this world. ;o)

Unknown said...

Susie at beginning of meal at Macaroni Grill:
"They only gave me 3 raviolis. What a rip off!"

Susie at end of meal:
"Can you please box these 2 left over raviolis."


liz said...

Didn't know Mark was a comment-leaver. Hi, there, Maj Keller!!