Our Short But Sweet Vacation
Michael and Ryley, Teresa's youngest son, playing Guitar Hero III.
Mitchy and the kids rock climbing at Garden of the Gods. I was laughing with Chris, reminding him how Mitchell became Mitchy. I told Chris he COULDN'T call him Mitchy, and he told me that he dared Mitchell to tell him that he couldn't call him that. Mitchy it was, and still is...
Mitchy rock climbing as we left. He was a long way off and didn't even know we had pulled off the road to take the picture.
After lunch we went to Karla's house, and Anne came over to meet us. It was so good to hang out with close girlfriends. You know the ones - the ones who expect you to get what you want out of their fridge, and the ones who can correct your kids or you can correct their's, and not only do they not mind, they are thankful. The ones you can be your total complete self around, and they love you anyway.
Mitchy gave the kids his cadet hat. Michael wore it around all afternoon, just as proud as can be. I love how kids don't know they look dorky, they just like something, so why NOT wear it?! I wish adults could be more like that.
This is Karina, or as Michael used to say, "B-queen-a". Still as pretty as ever.
And our Godson, Colin. What a sweetie! I can't believe it has been two years since we have seen him. WAY too long...
I even had almost an hour to run by and see the twins! I couldn't put them down the entire time, but the best part was just laughing with Brandy. It is wonderful to hear her and know that not only is she a great mom, she is a REAL mom. Thanks, Brandy! I enjoyed the laughs. :-)
I'll save the National Zoo for another day. I'm way too tired tonight!!
I didn't even take pictures of Laura, Bryon and Evie, or of the actual graduation and commissioning - my camera battery was low and I forgot to take it to Laura's anyway. I'm a sucky blogger, huh?
You know one of the best parts of vacation? Coming home.
12 people tasted this cookie:
but the worst part: unpacking!
what a great trip- and such great photos! glad ya'll have a great time!
That looks like a great trip! I agree with you about kids and looking dorky--I often wish I could shed all self consciousness and just do what I like!
Wow! What an incredible trip! How are you not just thoroughly exhausted? Glad you made it home safely!
By the way, those kids get cuter and cuter every day!
Thanks for coming by to meet the boys Susie! It was good to see you. I can't wait until you are back in the Springs.
THe pic of them sleeping in the car cracks me up. Kids can sleep ANYWHERE!
Susie--I'm so bummed we didn't see you :-( but I understand how hectic graduation is. . .
You'll just have to make sure to come to the next BC reunion!
I am so happy that was you at the stop sign, waving like a crazy person. The thing that bothers me is that I actually waved back without really knowing who it was! I'm glad you had a fun time.
So glad you took the pictures you did and so glad to match faces with names. Looks like a GREAT time! Thanks for posting!
XOXO, Keeko
Sounds like such a great trip
Oh, can't wait for the National Zoo post! We stinkin' live here and haven't been yet! We're SO going this year! Glad you had a great trip. How cute are those twins?!
sounds like a very busy trip!! I love the picture of the kids sleeping, that is so funny!!
Yeah, I see how it is...take pictures of everyone else, but not of us....not even a mention of how nice it was to see us or about how adorable our little girl is?? ;-)
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