Monday, April 25, 2011


This weekend we spent Easter with the USAFA women's tennis team. It was a "mini-holiday" with the travel and hotel, meals out and laughing with the team. We spent Friday night in Ft. Collins, where we awoke to snow Sat. morning. The tennis match was re-scheduled to be inside at 6 pm. So, we had ALL DAY to kill. The kids swam in the pool for a couple of hours and the girls hid some filled eggs, so the kids had an Easter egg hunt in the courtyard, which they loved. Off to the match, home late to bed, and up early on Easter to get to Laramie, WY. Remind me never to go back. Nothing to do, even though it's a college town. NOTHING. TO. DO.
It had snowed there as well, and Chris took the kids outside to play as it was melting. Michael found a piece of ground that had "rivers" running along 3 sides as the melt run-off was flowing. He looked at Chris and said "Hey, Dad. I'm on a penna-swayla!". Chris said "What?" Mikey held firm - "A penna-swayla!" It took Chris a minute to figure out Michael was on a PENINSULA. That's called too much reading and not enough talking.

All was well, we got home last night, and Chris had to teach today. Thank goodness the kids had the day off for a teacher workday. We needed to rest and catch up with laundry.

I'd post pictures, but I don't know how to get them off my phone yet. I'll work on that.