Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Ben and Pia came over to play with us last week, so of course, Christy came out and we all ended up in the leaves. The kids love hearing the sound of them as they crawl in them, walk in them, throw them, and rake them. Reminds me of the time I got in trouble with the campus police because I was sitting in a pile of leaves on campus. Except I was 20 or 21, not 3 or 4. Leaves are just the best. I'll post more pictures as the leaves continue to change here on Pickwick Avenue.

5 people tasted this cookie:

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a song a certain preschooler around here has been singing - leaves are falling, leaves are falling...


erin said...

Love seeing your leaves! We have a few pine needles and some aspen leaves and that's about it.

Somehow I missed the post about Molly's first playdate and ice cream with Mikey. Wasn't he sweet thing he was an 18 year old stud! Girl, you bettter start dreading those days NOW!

We missed you SO much at faux bookclub last night. You should see all of our waddling mamas...they're just toooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Just catching up on your last few posts. Wish you could have been hear to tell your tricycle story in person. . . I can just see and hear you laughing as you tell it! You need to schedule a book club TDY!

Anonymous said...

Yes we miss you last night Susie, Jodi was back like she was never missing. She'll be back next month too, so when are you coming back? Enjoy the leaves!!! Gina

liz said...

I LOVE leaves, too! I remember the first time I jumped in a pile, though, and it hurt to hit the ground :(