Wednesday, October 25, 2006

More pictures from the weekend...

We went to watch The Wiggles here at PSU. The kids loved it, and couldn't believe it was the REAL Wiggles. The light sticks they couldn't live without, and "Aunt Tico" bought them some. It was fun to hear them call her Aunt Tico, even though I call her Keeko. Everytime they said it, we just laughed. This is the first time they are really old enough to call her anything, so I wonder if it will stick.

After The Wiggles show, we ate a dinner of Chinese and vegetarian sushi downtown, and went to watch the Homecoming parade. The college kids saw us coming with the wagon, and let us right up front! The students are very good about the kids - if we are going somewhere and holding the students up, they are very patient, smile at the kids, etc. I hope they are just as polite to senior citizens. Living in a college town certainly has it's advantages...

1 people tasted this cookie:

Anonymous said...

I bet Aunt Tico will stick. Karina's names for her aunt and uncle have stuck for almost 2 years now.
