Sunday, June 17, 2007

Caterpillar Poop

Check out the damage. Chris and I sit on our porch or deck, and it sounds like rain. But is it? Noooo, it's not. It's poop. Caterpillar poop, raining down on us. It is ALL over the place, and feels like cat litter under your feet. I'm tired of this shit. Really, I am.

Col. Z. came to visit us. He was Chris's old boss when Chris was his executive officer, back in 2001. He became a good family friend, and still visits us often. The kids absolutely ADORE him. They gave him cuddles and hugs the entire time he was here! It was great to see him again. While he was here we went to the Firemans Parade in Centre Hall. It was a parade that consisted of fire trucks and baton twirlers. Some of the twirlers made me look tiny!! I wonder how old they were. High school? No joke, I felt pretty petite next to some of them as they marched by.

The rest of the parade consisted of candy being thrown and the kids scooping it up. This parade went in front of Michele's house (my assistant at school), so we had prime real estate! Here is a quick video of the kids:

Centre Hall Firemans' Parade

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We also went on a play date and had a water balloon fight. The kids had a blast! I think it took us about 40 minutes to fill all the balloons, and about 52 seconds for them to all be splatted.

And finally, I have a bad mom admission:

I have a slightly difficult time getting our kids to eat fruits and vegetables. Molly more than Mikey. So, I googled scurvy, and showed them pictures of kids that had it. I explained if they DON'T eat fruits and vegetables, that the bowed legs will happen to them, too. So, every now and then, we have a "scurvy check". The kids stand up, straighten their legs, and I "examine" them. I am happy to report, no scurvy in the Solo household yet. I'll keep you posted, though...

12 people tasted this cookie:

A.K. said...

hah! whatever gets them to eat fruits or veggies! My mom used to always tell me that zuchini was just cooked cucumbers... I tried that the other night on scott and he was like "why did you tell me that- i don't even like cucumbers to start with"... opps!

Megan said...

Hee hee Scruvy. Good one. Maybe it will work on Jamie.

my4kids said...

Scurvy that is a good one...
Wow those catapilars sure have done a number on your tree!
Catapilar poop....eww

Janice said...

Scurvy! I wish I had thought of that sooner! I don't know if my kids will understand the concept yet, though - but I will definitely keep that one in mind.

Now you got me confused about the caterpillar poop. Are you telling me that it's literally falling off the leaves all over your yard?

liz said...

It's raining poop, Halelujiah!

ND doesn't have baton twirlers, so we make fun of all the visiting marching bands that do. Especially PU - they are always big girls. And the biggest one always gets the gold sequined leo - poor thing!

Wendy said...

You crack me up with the scurvy thing. Had me laughing. Looks like Col Z had fun. And boy oh boy- what a parade!!! Thats a big city your in!

Kristen said...

The scurvy thing is quite funn. Smooth move

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - look at how skinny their little legs are! BTW - there's nothing wrong with being bow-legged. ;-) Ever notice my funny looking legs??

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious Susie. So do they now eat their fruits and veggies? Gina

Megan said...

Oh my gosh!! The scurvy check made me laugh out loud!! You're so hilarious!!

Shelley said...

I will really have to remember the 'scurvy check' technique! You are hilarious!

Your kids are just beautiful, by the way!

James said...

love that tough enough shirt.