Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mental picture.

All of the cubbies cleaned out and labeled for this year. All of the canvas tote bags hanging in the cubbies, with the kids' names painted on them in large letters, bright paint, ready to be picked up to take home.
It really was beautiful.

Unfortunately, the bags have now all been picked up at "Meet the Teacher" morning, and the cubbies are empty. But, maybe I can take a picture on the first day of school with the bags BACK in there! Now, that's a thought...

I'll take some real pictures when I go back in to school late next week. I'm taking a break for now, after all, this is still my summer!!

7 people tasted this cookie:

Shana-Lynn said...

What age do you teach? I used to teach Pre-K prior to having Aubree and also helped head our after school program, some fun time there.

Jamie said...

Thank you for your comment on my daughter's speech situation. It's daunting to think of years and years of therapy ahead of us, but you are right that she WILL speak eventually. And certainly that I will wish for a mute button :)
Can't wait to get some new books, they are being ordered. Would love to peruse your 'bursting' shelves, such fun!

Megan said...

Just reading the word 'cubbies' makes me sad that it's not me getting my classroom ready for little ones to come. :(

I guess I'll just live vicariously through your blog.

(But I'm going to need pictures.):)

A.K. said...

i know you've told us this before but what age do you teach? looks like i might be accepting a position of teaching 2 3yearold classes starting in... um a little over a week! i think you are preschool and would love some suggestions!!!

A.K. said...

you'll have to show your friend this for me:

check the second posting- it's the card she made! (that's my sister and brother in law and my new nephew)

A.K. said...

(don't know why it says Ann Katherine instead of A.K. above- but it's me!)

Kristen said...

That's so funny. I was reading down the comments, and I was thinking...hmmm..Ann Katherine...that's AK's full name. That's a weird coincidence!

Enjoy your last few days!