Sunday, August 12, 2007

My ABC's Tag

I FINALLY got tagged to do this! Thanks, Denise.

A Attached or single: Attached.
B Best friend: BEST? How about close? Chris, of course, and Heather, and Kristen, and Wendy, and Julie, and anyone else I just pick up the phone to call. Oh, of course Mom and Keeko, too...
C Cake or pie: Depends on the mood. Cake. Chocolate, with chocolate icing.
D Drink of choice: I've made the switch to diet this summer. Yup, I'm still fatter than I've ever been, but I feel like I've at least helped a little bit. I love sweet tea. And a good cold beer sometimes.
E Essential item: computer access, and a good book.
Favorite color: pink? red? Can you tell I'm really indecisive?
G Gummi bears or worms: Neither. They both give you cavities.
H Hometown: I was raised in the booming metropolis of Moneta, VA. But I've moved about every 3 years since I was 17, so at this age, I don't really HAVE a hometown...
I Indulgences: According to Chris, they are purses and the computer.
J January or July: Are you kidding me? JULY JULY JULY!! Whoever celebrated the 4th of January??
K Kids: Mikey and Molly. And I adore them. They aren't perfect, but I adore them.
L Life is incomplete without: My friends, laughter, and my faith.
M Marriage date: July 6th, 2001
N Number of siblings: 2 Katherine and David
O Oranges or Apples: Apples. I really really don't like orange pulp. At all. It makes me gag...
P Phobias/Fears: heights, fires, spiders, letting my friends down
Q Favorite Quote: instead of a Bible verse, which is easy, I thought of my Lucy Van Pelt quote (you know, from Peanuts) it goes something like this: "Life would be easier if everyone would just listen to me."
R Reason to smile: The life God has given me. Who wouldn't want to be ME??
S Season: Now that the kids are older, summer. I've LOVED this summer.
T Tag Three: Wow, there is no one left to tag. I'm such a loser....HA! OH, I can tag Jodi and Gina, since they just started their blogs this week! And Laura, if you haven't done it, you're tagged, too!
U Unknown fact about me: In college I won a contest I had with my friends over who could kiss the most guys in one semester. I was a kissing fool! However, having 3 girls living in one bedroom, we stayed EXTREMELY innocent. But boy, was kissing at the door a great time!
V Vegetarian or meat eater: I was raised on a beef farm. Give me my meat. Now! My husband WISHES I'd say that to HIM.....
W Worst habit: reading when someone is trying to talk to me. I love reading.
X X-rays or Ultrasound: Let's see.. .extreme pain, or seeing new life inside of you... is that even a QUESTION???
Y Your favorite foods: A long list. Short list? cheesesteaks, ice cream, avocado egg rolls, edemame,chocolate, fruit.
Z Zoo animal: The giraffes at Colorado Springs. They are so much fun to feed!

I'll have to start doing posts on my purses, and just throw a picture out every now and then. I DO like my purses. You'll see....

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. The kitchen is being remodeled by Chris, and I have been trying to keep the kids busy and out of the house!

16 people tasted this cookie:

Anonymous said...

Letter L. Hmm. No mention of hard-working husband and/or beautiful children. Since life can apparently be "lived without" us, I guess we'll just pack up our things and go. C'mon, Mikey, grab your bike helmet. Move it, Molly, get your Care Bear. We're outta here. And we're not coming back. Ever. Well, maybe when we run out of Mac and Cheese. Or Mots Tots juice boxes. Stupid blog thingie...

txswordmaker said...

Good one Chris! I know how you feel sometimes.

Anyway Susie, sure I can do stuff there, but I saw the hole Chris made...I think he could probably handle a little fabric stretching.

Megan said...

I love that Chris commented like that. You two must have so much fun together.

Anonymous said...

You guys make me laugh. If Chris takes the kids, I could send mine over.

the Book of Keira said...


liz said...

When did Gina start a blog?! I have GOT to get back on the Message Board!! aakkk!

StephGrubb said...

What are avacado egg rolls? Sounds yummy!

Megan said...

Very cute! You have the best sense of humor! Especially U...U cracked me up!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh....poor Chris. Would you like me to call a WAAAAAmbulance??

supermommysquared said...

My kids are 19 months apart and it is pretty crazy! It wasn't planned, but I am so glad that we did it this way now. The plan is to have only two, so I done (most likely :)

Wendy said...

Tell Chris to stop on thru and pick mine up too. I will have them packed and ready. Elaina is certainly giving me a run for my money this week!

Wendy said...

BTW, I am HONORED I made the list. I love ya girly!! Call you's too late your time. Unless your up now and reading this. You can call me back. I'm home.

Jennifer said...

I love reading these, so much fun! I would love to see some purse posts, I LOVE purses too!!

To answer you question, we got the boat at KB Toys over the weekend on sale for $4.99...we couldn't believe it and thought it was too good of a deal to pass up. My hubby thought him & Devin could ride in there together, but they didn't fit :-)

I love your blog, I am glad I found it!

Shana-Lynn said...

Great list! Cute tag.

The Morgan Family said...

Your answer for the Vegetarian vs. Meat question had my LAUGHING! Love the sense of humor in some of your answers!

Kristen said...

Good answers.

Poor Chris.