Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Finally, baby pictures. Of Mikey at least.

Pictures of the kids have been on the other computer, and I never blog from it. Well, last night my sweet husband finally made them accessible from the laptop!

So, in honor of their May birthdays, here are some pictures of Mikey. I'll do Molly next time. Second kids always get the shaft, don't they??

Mikey at One Month

Mikey at 4 months

Mikey at about 8 Months

Mikey at 9 months

Mikey's first birthday party

Mikey's second birthday party

After this, he still looks the same, so that's it for today - I have to go make the kids some lunch.

Oh, I am having this big reunion this weekend, right? So, I'm looking through old pictures of me and my friends. I find one that I am definitely in, because I can SEE me, and Chris says it's me too, but I have NO RECOLLECTION of it being taken. I don't even remember the trip. At all. I'd think I'd remember this one...

It's of about 25 of us. In the White House. In the Oval Office. At the desk.

I looked at it, and all I can say is "Huh? Is this ME? I don't remember this....."

Perhaps Altzheimers has set in already.....

13 people tasted this cookie:

erin said...

Susie, your little stories crack me up!

I can't help but think our President will be looking at similar photos in a few years thinking the same thing! (oops, that was bad, wasn't it?)

Megan said...

You are so funny. Love the baby pictures. Can't wait to see the rest.

my4kids said...

Very cute baby pictures. He had a lot of hair!

I see pics of myself I don't remember also but I think one of me in the white house oval office I would remember???

Susie PSU said...

Yeah, funny, I thought I'D remember it, too. Or at least going there. Or at least the security to get INTO the Oval Office. But no. Nothing. A complete blank. How embarassing is THAT??

Kristen said...

very cute baby pictures.

so why didn't you post the picture that you have no recollection of?

Anonymous said...

My goodness....I would have never known that was Mikey until his 8 month picture!

Kimberly said...

I can NOT get over the chage between 1 year and 2 years. It's unbelievable! He sure is a cutie!

But HOW could you NOT remember being in the Oval Office!!!!!!!!!

Shana-Lynn said...

What a cute little guy. I too can't believe the difference from 1 to 2!

txswordmaker said...

I was gonna say something, but I can't remember what it was. Oh well. I'm sure it will come to me eventually.

Anonymous said...

Mikey had so much hair as a baby! Very cute. I understand what you mean about the Alzheimer's. I blame it on over 30+child.

A.K. said...

cute pictures!!!

seriously have NO recollection?! that's awesome! (it's selective memory- not alzhemiers!)....

Amy said...

You people and your funny white house stories (Erin and Susie)! Love the pics of Mikey. . . it's so fun to look at them in a progression like that!

And I couldn't help but think how pregnant you were in his 1st b-day photo, but that sweater hides it well!

Anonymous said...

Susie, that's because you never WENT to the White House Oval Office. Jeeze! Mom